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The start of a journey


Welcome to my professional blog!

Do you ever find yourself terrified of something that you actually want to do and that you think would be a great thing for you? Getting started is often one of the most challenging things.

My journey to get here is reflective of who I am, not just as a counsellor, but as a person in general. I know having a place to share information and thoughts is helpful from a business perspective. However, I have never been able to claim business acumen as a personal strength. So, grappling with how to do this in a helpful way that also honours who I am has been challenging. Getting started has at times felt impossible.

A friend encouraged me to consider the question "Why do I want to write and for whom?" Great questions! Why write? On a personal level, I find writing therapeutic. However, I rarely share my writing in a formal way. Frankly, the thought of people reading my writing terrifies me. It brings up those imposter feelings so many of us battle. At the same time, I do share thoughts that come out of my writing and processing in other arenas - in personal conversations with friends & family, in my counselling office with clients, and in words presented before groups of people. So, perhaps the answer to why write is somewhat for my own benefit as well as an offering to others who might find it helpful. So to whom am I writing? To my fellow sojourner on this path of life, to those who might find some help, encouragement, or validation in the thoughts I share.

So let me share a little about who I am and how I approach life. One of my core values is authenticity. I strive to be the same person in all the different parts of my life - as a friend, mother, child, sister, partner, volunteer, and counsellor. So as I ponder writing a blog, I know that it needs to be in line with my values.

I believe each of us knows our own life best. I really am only an expert on my own experience. I also know that sometimes, out of sharing my own experiences, others may glean insight or perspective on something they are grappling with. As a counsellor, I approach my relationship with my clients from the perspective of fellow traveller, rather than as an expert.

So my hope is that my blog will be much like my counselling office, my friendships, and my home life are - a place where my greatest hope is to provide safety, acceptance, and encouragement.

Like in all the various parts of my life, my goal is to be genuine and to share insights that are personal and relevant to where I find myself. Perhaps these thoughts may also provide opportunities for you to reflect on who you are and to bring your own strengths to the table. I love being an encourager, so hopefully in some of these writings, some of you may also come away feeling encouraged.

Thank you for joining me on this journey!

Questions for thought:

If it is true that I know myself best, are there any areas in my life where I am letting experts tell me what I should do and am overriding or silencing my own voice?

How might I do things differently if I listened to the experts and evaluated their thoughts, while also listening to my own voice and valuing the wisdom it brings?



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