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Living Life With Balance


It has been longer than anticipated between my first and second podcast episodes. Sometimes life is unexpected!

Here are some of the thoughts I share in episode 2.

I've been recovering from surgery and although recovery has gone well, the return of my energy levels to more normal has been painfully slow.

It has given me lots of time to think about how important it is for us to listen to our bodies and our internal selves.

When we are faced with recovering from surgery, a sudden illness, or a chronic illness, we become more aware of the importance of listening to ourselves, often out of necessity.

However, I believe that in order to live our lives well, to manage stress, and to be present in our lives in the ways we would like to be, it is actually important for each one of us to listen to ourselves.

Often we have learned to always push ourselves, to always do, to always give. To live with balance might often even feel selfish or like we are not doing enough.

This is a lie!

Living in balance, being aware of our capacity and honoring it rather then pushing beyond our healthy boundaries is actually what allows us to live life fully.

During this time of recovery I've had lots of time for self-reflection. As it has become apparent that I will not be able to re-engage fully with the same level of energy that I had pre-surgery, I've had to spend time making some decisions about how to use my time and limited energy well.

Some of the questions that I've used to process this include:

  1. What are the most important things that I cannot take out of my life and likely don't want to take out of my life?

  2. What are the things that are most important to me?

  3. Are there activities that require more time and energy than me at first be a parent? These include things that require large amounts of time or energy or both to prepare for the event or activity.

  4. What are the things that energize me?

  5. Are there things where I have a large degree of control and flexibility? These might be easier to find space for in my schedule and limited energy then activities that require a higher level of structure and commitment.

As I've given myself permission and time to process these questions, the path forward has slowly become more clear.

In a few weeks I will be back at work after my medical leave. While I have no doubt that the start will be tiring, I also feel much more confident that I have listened to where I am at and have set up a schedule that allows me to participate in life as fully as possible, while also honoring and respecting what my mind and body needs.

For all of us, this is a balancing act. There will be times in life when we have seemingly boundless Energy and are able to engage in life at a very active level. However, there will also be seasons when our capacity is lower. Living life well means honoring whatever season we find ourselves in and living with balance.

I invite you to reflect on your life and your balance. Take some time to process what season of life you're in and how living life well in the season looks.

Take good care!



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